
With regards to all information collected on

During the time you spend in our blog, 2 types of information may be collected from you. Firstly, would be the your personal information such as but not limited to your name, email address and contact details. We will make sure that these information are kept in confidence. You may contact via email or any other means, we at reserve the rights to keep our contact information and all communication history.

How will we use your information?

We will not abuse your trust in us by selling or misappropriating your contact details. We will keep it for future communication purposes such as notifying you of any changes that was made in our blog. If you do not wish to be contacted again, you can express that thought to us and we will cease all communication immediately.

Second type of information…..

The second type of information that we speak of are cookies. They are very small text document which includes an anonymous unique identifying. The cookies are collected to improve your overall experience in our blog. Point to note: we will not be able to gather any of your personal information via cookies.

For our Blog and not for others:

All information that you have provided us with will not be sold for commercial use. We will retain these information only to improve your experience in our blog.

Other websites:

When you click on a link from our blog and get redirected to other webpage, this privacy policy will no longer be in effect. The reason being, we cannot be responsible for the actions of others. The links that may appear in our webpage serves as useful links or information that we think may be useful for you.

Giving us your consent

By using this site, it will be considered as you giving us consent to the collection and management of our personal information. We reserve the rights to amend our privacy policies at any point of time.

Well, that’s about it. Don’t stop venturing.